Words From My Swing Coach:

“Scott is someone who shows up to work hard every single day with an open mind to improve as much as possible. It is obvious that he also enjoys the game. I believe that the sky is the limit for him and he will go on to do great things.”

Harry Hillier

Former Collegiate Golfer at KU / Current Member on the PGA Tour Americas

My Journey

After 13 years of competitive soccer, I decided to drop the cleats and ball for golf clubs and quickly became devoted to improving as much as I could. I fell in love with the game and my competitive edge drove me to compete at tournaments. Over the last year I've competed in tournaments across Missouri, Kansas, and one in South Carolina. This summer I plan to try and qualify for the Missouri Amateur as well as the Watson Challenge along with other tournaments.
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+1 (816) 738-1585


Kansas City, Missouri USA